Tuesday 27 December 2011

Guests galore!

We are now into our third round of guests in Chalet L'Ubac and things are going well! Our Christmas guests were so lovely that they left myself and Chris a little Christmas present each on their bed which I found as I was doing the morning round's, how nice!! I had my first proper 'out out' night with them, and since I arrived in Morzine too. I started in Sherpa where we got given a free shot of a toffee liquer followed by a jager-bomb, went off to the Cavern which is the seasonaires hotspot and then headed to Opera. I think I crawled into bed at 4.45am and had to be up for 10am for heading out onto the slopes OUCH!! It's not advisable to do this it certainly makes boarding interesting to say the least, but I guess the plus side is you dont care about falling over at all! I can see what people say when you have a nice group of guests leave you, you hope to god the next lot can fill their shoes and are just as lovely. Our new guests are a cheeky bunch from London and they seem like a good laugh, the young girl gave me a giggle the other day when she paniced about not being able to find her slippers and they were just under the bed haha! They are giving us early evenings as they want to go out, and early brekky's too so happy days! They are with us until the 31st Dec when they leave us and we get out New Year guests arriving which consist of four adults and several children under the age of 10! EEEEP this could get messy!

I'v still been heading out onto the slopes as much as I can for practise you'll be happy to hear, think today was day 15 out there! I'm definitely getting more confident but I'm struggling to tackle moguls head on and pick up some speed. I find I can go straight for a little bit but that sooner or later I freak out just enough to slow down and lose who I'm with, which believe me has caused a couple of funny problems :P 

The snow heading our way in the next few days is insane! We are looking at another 50cm easy I would say, for you guys coming out in January the base is already here for you!!

Thursday 22 December 2011

It's all about routine

Hey guys!! Sorry it's been a while since I last posted but this is the first time in a long time that I have the energy and the concentration to write you a new entry! Not that I don't love you all and want to keep you up to date, but because all I'd be able to type would be zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

So what's happened during this last week, well I can tell you that our first lot of guests have left the building and were very happy indeed. We now have our Christmas guests in, two very lovely families who have been very good to us so far. They have been diving straight into the scrabble tonight which has given me a great chance to set up for breakfast tomorrow and have a couple of hours to chill tonight.

I'm really getting into the swing of things now, get up and serve breakfast followed by a couple of hours of cleaning rooms and bathrooms and then the afternoon is mine! I have regular spots each day that I can get out onto the slopes which you'll be more than happy to know I'm doing! I've been up every chance I can get so far and makes a total of 9 days at the moment. Tomorrow I'm hoping to meet up with my friend Rob in Chatel up in Avoriaz to give The stash another go, and maybe get some evidence of box completions. Yes that's right, for the first time EVER I cleared not just one but two boxes! I couldn't believe it! The people I were boarding with had no idea just how much of a milestone that was but I was extatic! Although I didn't get evidence of my victory, I did manage to get a couple of great falls from Rob and Sarah on the bench. It was pretty much a white out and they were so brave diving straight off it blind so full credit to them, please enjoy the video as I thoroughly enjoyed filming it!

I think I'm getting a lot better in my turning. I went out with a new group from the Nantegue yesterday and man are they quick! It was great for me because I got to push on my boarding a bit more than I would if I were alone. We bombed around Avoriaz all day and my legs were absolute agony after, a true sign of a great day's boarding!

Saturday 17 December 2011

Pleney is up and running......sort of

Just quick catch up! I had my lesson in Avoriaz on Thursday and it went very well. I was learning how to just control the board with my legs and not keep throwing my weight backwards and forwards, Our instructor got us to go down with our hands behind our backs and it was hard to start with I can tell you. I got the hang of it though in the end, so he moved me onto to trying to learn some buttering. I still have a way to go with this but it was nice for him to push me onto something else. We went up Tour for most of the day and kept on running down some really nice blues. The wind was horrific though and really the lesson should have been cancelled. I was heading along a flat section and remember being stopped dead by the wind and then having to duck to save myself from being blown over, ridiculous! We were boarding blind for most of the afternoon so I should be a frikkin pro soon I've earnt it haha!!

Yesterday for the first time in a long time the entire piste was shut down. We had a massive snow storm which dumped a ridiculous amount, which I suppose is a good thing. We have at least a further 30cm today and it's still going strong! Hope it clears up a bit tomorrow though because it;s my day off so more time to play.

I went up the Pleney today as this is the day it was due to open. The que to get up was enormous so when I finally got to the top I just went down the first run I saw and took a blue which led to the Belvedere. When I got off that I had no idea where to go because of course I forgot to pick up a new piste map, so I ended up taking a green which was such a big mistake. I took Piste B down to the Mouilles, that was a nice run. The weather was setting in again so I just made a run (or stumble) for the botto, so took Piste D and went off. They had shut off both home runs but I thought meh I'll give one a go, but foolishly took the red down. I was catching my edge and face planting the whole way down literally disappearing in snow tee hee! I got tired near the bottom and was a bit bored of being over taken so I sat on the board and sledged the rest of the way down, falling once more for good measure. I don't think I'll try going up the Pleney again until I know for sure more run's are open becuase it was very hard getting around.

Monday 12 December 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Yesterday I had a bit of a baking day!! I made five different kinds including american chocolate muffins and a butter almond cake oh yeah!! It was great getting to know my way around the baking kitchen which is on the ground floor next to my room pretty much so it's very handy. I've also now learnt the daily cleaning routine so I'm feeling a bit more settled and like I know what I'm doing finally!!

Avoriaz was just amazing today, a good 2 foot of fresh powder to play in. I met up with the lovely Alice and we took a jaunt around as many runs as we could fit in. We headed up Prodains and took the Verare and bombed down to the Grandes Combes on a red, oh yes! I don't normally go down red's because, well quite frankly they scare me. In the powder was a different experience and a very fun one! We got this lift and headed off on the Lac-Intrets blue's which were tough. It was hard work in the thick of it up there, snow hammering down and whiping us in the face. Alice learnt a very valuable lesson in never forgetting your buff when it's snowing OOPS! We went all the way down to the Ardent on some more lovely blue's (if you can believe it!!) then headed up the Prolays and suddenly realised it was time for us to get back. Good thing by then we'd pretty much got our barings and we got back down in good time!

I also had a dummy run of an evening service with friend's of the chef here so I'm getting proper nervous now EEEEP! Tomorrow I have a seasonaires night out to go to, looking forward to meeting lot's of new faces!

Saturday 10 December 2011

Day 1 on the slopes!

It has begun! Avoriaz was open today as predicted and I got up there as soon as I could to have an explore. Carolyn drove me up to the Prodains lift to give me an easier time of it since I was taking a solo trip. Got up to the top and realised I didn't pick up a piste map, I know now I could have just got one from the top of that lift but I thought lets make things interesting and just get a lift and see where I end up. Of course what doesn't help is when you get to the top of that lift to find all the sign posts frozen over with thick ice, hurumph. Anyway I went up the Lac-Intrets and first of all took a ride down the Stade d'Arare which was a beautiful wide blue run, just what I like! The snow is just right up there now, it's crisp, dry and plentiful. A couple of funny falls later and I made it to the bottom alive! I went up again but this time I cut down into Bleue d'Arare for a bit of practise on some thinner piste sections. I'm definitely in need of some practise but as it happens I'm getting a lesson with some other seasonaire's on the 14th Dec at 12 - 2pm in Avoriaz at the top of the Plateau. It'll be a great chance to get to know some more boarders my level and a brilliant chance to learn the piste.

There was a small bit of off-piste that I took on just coming in towards the Prodains lift, the snow was so deep and every time I fell I vanished! It made me giggle though and that's what matters, face diving in front of a group of people never gets boring! I'm not going up tomorrow as work call's but I may get some time Monday afternoon, we shall have to wait and see!

 We are expecting more snow Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, lucky us!!!

Thursday 8 December 2011

Settling in

I went for dinner over at Chalet Amelie last night and the food was absolutely amazing. Pate with melba toast, hake with two kinds of risotto and a whiskey poached pear with chocolate mouse cake MMMMM!!! I hope I get invited back to sample some more, Howard is a magician in the kitchen. We all went out to Dixie's afterwards where I met a tonne of new face's. The Super Morzine lift should be opening up on Saturday so maybe I'll spot some farmiliar face's on the slopes then.

I tagged along for a walk today around Lac de Montriond with Chris who I will be working with in Chalet L'Ubac. We took Roxy out for a run since she's naturally a very hyper little thing and needs a decent amount of knackering, which turned out to be a complete success. The snow was very thick up there with a decent amount of mist. One lap around the lake and we were done! My feet were a tad soggy too because all I had was my Etnies OOPS! I might be investing in some boots while being here or at least borrowing some from the chalet. I had a great tour of the valley thanks to Chris too so I'm feeling like I have my bearings a little more now.

The snow here has been very encouraging so far. I'm guessing Avoriaz must have about 60cm by now it's been doing very well. Morzine has had a bit but has just melted away over the past two days from the crazy rain yesterday and bluebird skies today. My lift arrived pass today thanks to the hard work of Carolyn and my board is being serviced by friends of the company in their workshop so..... things are good! Bring on Saturday!!!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

I made it!

I took my first ever solo flight which was a tad scary especially when we had to go to gate 13, then I sat in row 13....I thought I'd doomed myself. Got to Geneva without a hitch though, found Paul holding up my name and away we went. We also picked up a group of ladies under the name of 'Ting's Tour' that we took to a different chalet on the way to ours, apparently I'm going back there tonight to shadow the hosts and find out what I'm meant to be doing when our first guests arrive. Then tomorrow I'm back at Chalet Amelie to be on the guests side and be served so looking forward to that. I have found out since getting here that this company is one big family, lots of new names to learn and friendly folk to get to know. The room I have in Chalet L'Ubac is nice, half of it is a bed so who can complain about that! We also currently have a resident boxer dog named Roxy who is as everyone describes 'mental' but wouldn't hurt a fly. She's snoring next to me as I write this, awww bless.

The snow has finally arrived here in Morzine too, we are expecting about 12cm today, but quite a bit of rain tomorrow so looks like we'll be back to square one. It's a good sign the real stuff is on its way, bring it on! I took a couple of photo's from inside the dining room over looking the balcony.

I'm going into town today with Carolyn in order to pick upessentials for the chalet but also the tooth paste and shampoo I didn't pack. I'l take a few snappy's and upload them later on if your lucky  :)

Tuesday 29 November 2011

6 days to go!!

My time at The Lab came to an end last week which was a shock to the system. We had a couple of great nights out, played some Just Dance (AMAZING!) and at the end I got a huge card full of lovely leaving messages as well as a new beanie and buff. Thank you so much guys! My sister Jenny also made me a 'Bon Voyage!' tray of brownies THANKS! I'll have muchos fun chomping that down this week.

I finally made it home to Somerset yesterday, but it wasn't easy. I first had to get from Reading to Ilford in order to see my registered doctors and get a medical letter, me and my uncle were doing so well on directions there until the road we needed was closed. We drove about a bit whilst referring to a good old fashioned A-Z, and when we eventually found the right road I realised I could have looked the whole thing up on my phone.....the wonders of technology when you remember it's there. I was poked and prodded for 10 mins before doc decided I was ok, urgh. With that done the next step was to head for Granny's in Fleet where she gave me a cup of tea and a piece of brownie, lovely. Dad then took me the rest of the way home, making the whole round trip about 9 hours. Thanks to all who were involved on this adventure, I'd still be walking to Somerset without you.

I got into my bedroom and was confronted with a tower of boxes full of clothes I want to sift through to take to France. Ummmmm the only trouble is I can't remember what is in what box anymore, so tomorrow's mission is to take apart this monstrosity and find my clothes! If this is my last blog, it's because the giant game of jenga went horribly wrong.

I'm glad I have this week to sort everything else out that's needed, seems I'm not missing much in Morzine through lack of snow. Come on Frosty show yourself!!!

Monday 14 November 2011

21 days to go!

So here we are, my very first blog EVER how exciting! I'm planning to update this as often as possible so watch this space!

I'm going to be working for a lovely company called Cornish Snow as a chalet host. I'll mainly be based in Chalet L'ubac but may have to jump ship to Chalet Andrew if we get really busy. This company have already shown themselves to be brilliant, Carolyn (owner) arranged to have my board bag picked up by her husband Paul at my parents house and took it out to Morzine for me. It's one less thing to worry about and one less thing to carry so it was smiles all round and big fat thank you's to these guys.

As for packing, well that's been tricky. Half of my gear is in Reading with me whilst the other half has gone home to Somerset, in two weeks I'll be reunited with all my junk and hopefully find what I need to pack. Since that's out of the question at the moment, I'm getting to grips with my new toy, GoPro HD Hero2. I've never had a helmet cam before but I thought for a winter season it was a must! Hoping to make some really good video's with this EEEEEEEEP!