Thursday 8 December 2011

Settling in

I went for dinner over at Chalet Amelie last night and the food was absolutely amazing. Pate with melba toast, hake with two kinds of risotto and a whiskey poached pear with chocolate mouse cake MMMMM!!! I hope I get invited back to sample some more, Howard is a magician in the kitchen. We all went out to Dixie's afterwards where I met a tonne of new face's. The Super Morzine lift should be opening up on Saturday so maybe I'll spot some farmiliar face's on the slopes then.

I tagged along for a walk today around Lac de Montriond with Chris who I will be working with in Chalet L'Ubac. We took Roxy out for a run since she's naturally a very hyper little thing and needs a decent amount of knackering, which turned out to be a complete success. The snow was very thick up there with a decent amount of mist. One lap around the lake and we were done! My feet were a tad soggy too because all I had was my Etnies OOPS! I might be investing in some boots while being here or at least borrowing some from the chalet. I had a great tour of the valley thanks to Chris too so I'm feeling like I have my bearings a little more now.

The snow here has been very encouraging so far. I'm guessing Avoriaz must have about 60cm by now it's been doing very well. Morzine has had a bit but has just melted away over the past two days from the crazy rain yesterday and bluebird skies today. My lift arrived pass today thanks to the hard work of Carolyn and my board is being serviced by friends of the company in their workshop so..... things are good! Bring on Saturday!!!

1 comment:

  1. That lake looks a lot colder than it did when we swam across it
