Tuesday 27 December 2011

Guests galore!

We are now into our third round of guests in Chalet L'Ubac and things are going well! Our Christmas guests were so lovely that they left myself and Chris a little Christmas present each on their bed which I found as I was doing the morning round's, how nice!! I had my first proper 'out out' night with them, and since I arrived in Morzine too. I started in Sherpa where we got given a free shot of a toffee liquer followed by a jager-bomb, went off to the Cavern which is the seasonaires hotspot and then headed to Opera. I think I crawled into bed at 4.45am and had to be up for 10am for heading out onto the slopes OUCH!! It's not advisable to do this it certainly makes boarding interesting to say the least, but I guess the plus side is you dont care about falling over at all! I can see what people say when you have a nice group of guests leave you, you hope to god the next lot can fill their shoes and are just as lovely. Our new guests are a cheeky bunch from London and they seem like a good laugh, the young girl gave me a giggle the other day when she paniced about not being able to find her slippers and they were just under the bed haha! They are giving us early evenings as they want to go out, and early brekky's too so happy days! They are with us until the 31st Dec when they leave us and we get out New Year guests arriving which consist of four adults and several children under the age of 10! EEEEP this could get messy!

I'v still been heading out onto the slopes as much as I can for practise you'll be happy to hear, think today was day 15 out there! I'm definitely getting more confident but I'm struggling to tackle moguls head on and pick up some speed. I find I can go straight for a little bit but that sooner or later I freak out just enough to slow down and lose who I'm with, which believe me has caused a couple of funny problems :P 

The snow heading our way in the next few days is insane! We are looking at another 50cm easy I would say, for you guys coming out in January the base is already here for you!!

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