Tuesday 29 November 2011

6 days to go!!

My time at The Lab came to an end last week which was a shock to the system. We had a couple of great nights out, played some Just Dance (AMAZING!) and at the end I got a huge card full of lovely leaving messages as well as a new beanie and buff. Thank you so much guys! My sister Jenny also made me a 'Bon Voyage!' tray of brownies THANKS! I'll have muchos fun chomping that down this week.

I finally made it home to Somerset yesterday, but it wasn't easy. I first had to get from Reading to Ilford in order to see my registered doctors and get a medical letter, me and my uncle were doing so well on directions there until the road we needed was closed. We drove about a bit whilst referring to a good old fashioned A-Z, and when we eventually found the right road I realised I could have looked the whole thing up on my phone.....the wonders of technology when you remember it's there. I was poked and prodded for 10 mins before doc decided I was ok, urgh. With that done the next step was to head for Granny's in Fleet where she gave me a cup of tea and a piece of brownie, lovely. Dad then took me the rest of the way home, making the whole round trip about 9 hours. Thanks to all who were involved on this adventure, I'd still be walking to Somerset without you.

I got into my bedroom and was confronted with a tower of boxes full of clothes I want to sift through to take to France. Ummmmm the only trouble is I can't remember what is in what box anymore, so tomorrow's mission is to take apart this monstrosity and find my clothes! If this is my last blog, it's because the giant game of jenga went horribly wrong.

I'm glad I have this week to sort everything else out that's needed, seems I'm not missing much in Morzine through lack of snow. Come on Frosty show yourself!!!

1 comment:

  1. So THAT'S what the box mountain looks like! :D
    Glad we got to play Just Dance as well so you could see what I've been harping on about all this time haha! Good times :) Enjoying the blog too!
