Tuesday 6 December 2011

I made it!

I took my first ever solo flight which was a tad scary especially when we had to go to gate 13, then I sat in row 13....I thought I'd doomed myself. Got to Geneva without a hitch though, found Paul holding up my name and away we went. We also picked up a group of ladies under the name of 'Ting's Tour' that we took to a different chalet on the way to ours, apparently I'm going back there tonight to shadow the hosts and find out what I'm meant to be doing when our first guests arrive. Then tomorrow I'm back at Chalet Amelie to be on the guests side and be served so looking forward to that. I have found out since getting here that this company is one big family, lots of new names to learn and friendly folk to get to know. The room I have in Chalet L'Ubac is nice, half of it is a bed so who can complain about that! We also currently have a resident boxer dog named Roxy who is as everyone describes 'mental' but wouldn't hurt a fly. She's snoring next to me as I write this, awww bless.

The snow has finally arrived here in Morzine too, we are expecting about 12cm today, but quite a bit of rain tomorrow so looks like we'll be back to square one. It's a good sign the real stuff is on its way, bring it on! I took a couple of photo's from inside the dining room over looking the balcony.

I'm going into town today with Carolyn in order to pick upessentials for the chalet but also the tooth paste and shampoo I didn't pack. I'l take a few snappy's and upload them later on if your lucky  :)


  1. Sounds awesome so far! Loving the snow... Kinda want it here too now... It's cold enough!!

    Get pracising your cooking skills.. I'm expecting your to be Cordon Bleu standard by the time you get back!! Hehe!!

    Have fun!


    P.S. It's weird that you have to log in to leave a comment.. I'm sure you didn't have to do that when I did mine a few years ago?? Is it a setting you've put on??

  2. Must be terrible to have someone snoring next to you eh :P

  3. Hello!

    Good to hear you seem to be settling in well. Sounds like you are having a great time. I like the sound of the food, mainly the cakes! I would work for the food alone!

