Saturday 10 December 2011

Day 1 on the slopes!

It has begun! Avoriaz was open today as predicted and I got up there as soon as I could to have an explore. Carolyn drove me up to the Prodains lift to give me an easier time of it since I was taking a solo trip. Got up to the top and realised I didn't pick up a piste map, I know now I could have just got one from the top of that lift but I thought lets make things interesting and just get a lift and see where I end up. Of course what doesn't help is when you get to the top of that lift to find all the sign posts frozen over with thick ice, hurumph. Anyway I went up the Lac-Intrets and first of all took a ride down the Stade d'Arare which was a beautiful wide blue run, just what I like! The snow is just right up there now, it's crisp, dry and plentiful. A couple of funny falls later and I made it to the bottom alive! I went up again but this time I cut down into Bleue d'Arare for a bit of practise on some thinner piste sections. I'm definitely in need of some practise but as it happens I'm getting a lesson with some other seasonaire's on the 14th Dec at 12 - 2pm in Avoriaz at the top of the Plateau. It'll be a great chance to get to know some more boarders my level and a brilliant chance to learn the piste.

There was a small bit of off-piste that I took on just coming in towards the Prodains lift, the snow was so deep and every time I fell I vanished! It made me giggle though and that's what matters, face diving in front of a group of people never gets boring! I'm not going up tomorrow as work call's but I may get some time Monday afternoon, we shall have to wait and see!

 We are expecting more snow Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, lucky us!!!

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